Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Sunset and Family Shot!

The Solway Firth sunset - 20mm 2.8@ F/16 - ND grad filters and  a tad of exposure blending on the foreground.

Well, after ditching my 24-70 2.8 and 70-200 2.8 lens in favour of primes, I have to say I'm pretty impressed! The quality seems to be much better, and as I'm more concious that any cropping will reduce the quality, I take much more care with the framing and composition "in camera". I'm using  20mm 2.8,50mm and 85mm primes at the moment. I must admit I'm looking at the older 70-200 again..I just love this lens and it gives superb sunstars and isolation of the subject@200mm. We'll see ;)

After a couple of pretty unsuccessful countryside outings to find some great shots, I really need to make much more of an effort to be there either in the early AM or late PM.. although to do this in reality, is quite difficult to do! I've decided that organising and planning the week with consistent updates on the kitchen calendar is the way to do it. That way, even when you're having a poor day and would normally just crash after work, you can look forward to doing something a little more constructive when you get home (watching EastEnders ISN'T constructive!):p

Now..where did I put that pen?

A recent family group shot - Taken with my trusty 50mm 1.8@ f/8 -SB800 and SB600  to camera right providing the fill.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Going WIDE!

Going W I D E!

With all the portrait and group work I've done over the last year or so, I've decided to go out and use the British Summer ( delete all those images of rain, wind and's actually warm outside! ), to go out and take more pictures of the gorgeous countryside. The grass and trees are looking particularly good at this time of year, due to the heavy rainfall in the previous weeks.
I've had a recent shuffle of my lens collection and must now try to..develop ;) it again.. but only keeping to a very strict budget! :)

Monday, 9 January 2012

Colour /CS5/Photo/Backup/Client....Management!

Well, after reading "The Adobe Photoshop CS5 Book for Digital Photographers" by Scott Kelby, I definitely feel like a few rough edges in my knowledge database have been rounded off nicely. The book is pretty amazing and covers everything that you need to know about CS5. A great sense of humour and easy reading provides information that sticks and the fact that it covers all the practical stuff  means that it's a going to sit right next to your PC.
Well, I've had a week and a bit off work and have spent the last few weeks going over old photographs, realising that they were pretty dismal and correcting them accordingly. I've posted a few up on Flickr and FB.
I went back to an old picture of Marianne and redone it.
It seems that my interest in wedding photography is increasing and I'm probably looking to go full-time within the next few years.....once my business acumen is adequate ;)