Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Year Ahead for 2013

Well, it's been a quiet few months but things are certainly going to be busy in the next few!

Firstly, I'll be moving ahead with the plans for several weddings and really taking some time to perfect some location and off-camera flash shots. I seem to have moved into a B+W landscape phase over November and December..maybe it's the weather but I need to snap back into focus with the portrait and ocf shots!

2013 is also a time for a total lens overhaul. With a 24-70 and 70-200 to buy in the following weeks, it's going to be rather expensive. The primes really don't cut it for any type of reportage photography and although I've really tried to like them, I just miss the practicality of the 24-70...( although not the weight! ).

It's also going to be a time for the Royal Photographic Society submission and prep for the LRPS. I want to really prepare for this properly and although it's only the first, I will be taking this very seriously and concentrating hard on getting this and further certificates! Oh, I'm now officially a member of the Royal Photographic Society (at long last) so yay me ;)

Have a great..no fantastic New Year .. and for anyone out there getting married or engaged this year, I wish you all the very best and utmost congratulations!

The photo above is of Marianne - we had a little play around on Silverdale Shore, Cumbria. I took 2 shots, both using a SB800 ( on a stand and using a diffuser) and merged them in Photoshop. I really wanted the 'Marianne in the distance' to be a bit ghostly, but it just comes across as overexposed..lol..well, we'll do some more in the coming weeks :)

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